31 October 2014

Francisco/Francis/Frank VAILLANT: Mystery Person

“Uncle” Frank was the person in the living room in Seattle in a robe racking the shag carpet.  The earliest memory I have of “Uncle” Frank takes place in the early 1950’s on a visit with my parents to my Aunts.  HOWEVER, sharing the same SURNAME does not necessarily make for a relative.

Francis Vaillant registers for the World War I draft on 12 September 1918 at Local Board for Division No. 16, City of Chicago, State of Ill. No. 6, 6240 Kimbark Ave., Chicago.[i]  The information provided on the document states that Francis is living at 6022 Harper Ave., Chicago, Cook, Ill and is 33 years old.  His date of birth is Feb 19, 1885.  He is white.  He is not a Native Born citizen but is a Citizen by Father’s Naturalization Before Registrant’s Majority.
Francis’ present occupation is a Store Keeper for the Edison Electric Co. located at 2240 Ogden Ave., Chicago, Cook, Ill.  The nearest relative is D. M. Scott living at 6022 Harper Ave., Chicago, Cook, Ill.  He signs his name. His height is tall and his build is slender.  He has brown eyes and black hair with no physical disqualifications.

[6022 Harper is approximately 22 miles from 2240 Ogden Avenue.]

Francis is still living at 6022 Harper Avenue in the 20 January 1920 United States Federal Census.[ii]  He is recorded at being a Roomer, Male, White, age 34 at last birthday and single.  He immigrated in 1886[iii] and is a Naturalized Citizen.  He is able to read and write.  He was born in Argentina and speaks Spanish.  His father was born in Argentina and speaks Spanish.  His mother was born in Germany and speaks German.  He is able to speak English and works as a Storekeeper at an electrical business.  He is a wage worker. [There is no D. M. Scott at the same address.]

The R. L. Polk city directory for Chicago published in 1928[iv] lists Francisco Vaillant living at [r] 1425 E. Marq[uette] in apt[apartment] 3.  Also listed under the VAILLANT surname are June, Sten[o] at the J. H. Day & Co [r] 4843 Palmer, Mary, Mrs., [h] 4843 Palmer and Pauline [r] 4843 Palmer.

Two years later a Francisco Valliant appears in the 1930 Federal Census in Texas![v]  He lives on a farm and is a Male, White, and 40 years old on his last birthday and single.  He was born in Argentina as were both his parents.  He speaks Spanish and immigrated in 1895[vi].  He is a Naturalized Citizen and speaks English.  He works as a farm manager.

Francisco is cited in the Cameron County, Texas, County Court document filed 7 May 1947 for real estate transactions that took place starting 5 April 1929 and recorded in Cook County, Illinois[vii]

The Brownsville Herald newspaper on Sunday, November 8, 1931, features “Guest Day Observed By San Benito Music Club” on page eleven.[viii] SAN BENITO, Nov. 7—One of the outstanding events of the past week was Guest Day observed by the Wednesday Morning Music club.  More than four hundred and fifty guests were present for the annual event of the club which was held at the First Methodist church….Mrs. C. B. Chase, president of the club, welcomed the guests and introduced the three guest artists, David Christensen of Fort Worth, Frank Vaillant, formerly of Chicago, and Robert Reed.  The program was as follows:
          Silent Woe, Roses, Secret Greetings, Moonlight Night from the song Cycle “Elilan”…Alexander Von Flclitz. Mr. Frank Vaillant (Guest Artist)
The entire front of the church was banked with plumbago, roses and corona.

Frank must have settled into the San Benito community quickly.  He is still there for the 1940 Federal Census[ix] stating he had been in the same house in 1935.  He is living on a farm owning his own home valued at $650.  He is the head of household, male, white, 55 years old and single.  He has completed 4 years of high school.  He was born in Argentina.  He is an American citizen born abroad.  He works on his own account as a farmer and worked 60 hours in the past week.

In 1942 he registers for the World War II draft[x].  The document is typed with the following information:  Name—Franc (nmn) Vaillant, living at R. R. #2 San Benito, Cameron, Texas. His mailing address is the same. He has no telephone and his age in 57 years.  His date of birth is Feb. 19, 1885 in Argentina, Rep. S.A.  The Name and Address of Person Who Will Always Know Your Address is Mrs. M. J. Poeltl, 6227 No. Leader, Chicago, Ill.[xi]  He is self-employed on a Farm located on R. R. #2 in San Benito, Texas.  He signed the document.

It appears that “Uncle” Frank stayed in San Benito until 1947-1949 at which time he went to Seattle.  He went for a two week visit and stayed 15 years!  He was instrumental in caring for my cousin while her mother and sister worked full time.

Evergreen Cemetery Obituary [Seattle, WA]:  VAILIANT-Francisco, 146 N. w. 154th Uncle of Mrs. Pauline O’Rourke, Mrs. June Larrabee, both Seattle; Ben Vaillant, Oakland, Calif. Services 3 p.m. Saturday, Green Lake Funeral Home.  Frank died March 21, 1963.  The cemetery arrangements were made by Mrs. Pauline O’Rourke of 146 N. W. 54th Street.  He is buried in the Cedar Slope section. Lot 30, Grave 1.  The costs of $910.00 were to be paid by the King Co. Welfare.

The Certificate of Death[xii] has as Informant Mrs. Pauline O’Rourke[xiii].  She supplied Francisco n/m/n Vaillant who was a male, with, Never Married, whose date of birth was Feb 19, 1877 and he was 86 years old on his last birthday.  He was a grower of citrus fruit whose birthplace was New York.  There was no record of his father or mother’s name.  He is alleged to have been in the Spanish-American War.  Cause of death was uremia of two weeks duration and ACVD of 20 years.  The attending physician treated Frank from May 1959 to Mar. 21 and last saw him alive on 3-20-63.  Burial was 3/23/63 at Washelli Cemetery in Seattle with Green Lake Funeral Home at the Funeral Director.

I know of no blood relationship to Francisco Vaillant!

[i] World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Ancestry.com, accessed 20 March 2005, 23 August 2013 and 28 October 2014.  The later image is the clearest to view information!
[ii] 1920 United Federal Census, Ancestry.com., Chicago, Ward 7, Cook County, page 19A, Enumeration District 381, Image 42, line 6,accessed 29 February 2012.
[iii] I have not found an immigration record searching the One Step website for all ports!
[iv] Family History Library, Microfilm 1320731, viewed 18 January 2002, page 3079.
[v] 1930 Federal Census, Ancestry.com, Precinct 4, Cameron County, Texas, Page 7A, Enumeration District 27, Image 944, line 19 from FHL microfilm 2342038.
[vi] I am unable to find a record for this immigration date.
[vii] The Brownsville Herald, Thursday, May 15, 1947. Court Records:
Cuates Development Company to Francisco Vaillant, North 10 acres of South 10 acres, Lot 2, Block 6, Bowle subdivision of Lots A, B, C, D and E. Espirtu Santo Irrigated Land Company’s subdivision. Page 13 Ancestry.com, assessed 28 February 2012.

THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That Cuates Development Company, a Texas Corporation, with its domicile at San Benito, Cameron County, Texas, hereinafter called Grantor, has Granted, Sold and Conveyed and by these presents does hereby Grant, Sell and Convey unto Francisco Vaillant, of the County of Cook, State of Illinois, hereinafter called Grantee, all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, and being situated in the County of Cameron, State of Texas, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit-wit:
The North Ten (10) acres of the South Twenty (20) acres of lot tow (20, of the Bowie Subdivision of Lots A, B, C, D and E of the Espiritu Santo Irrigated Land Company’s Subdivision out of a portion of Share Wo. One, of the Espiritu Santo Grant as shown and recorded in the Map Records of Cameron County, Texas, in Plat Book 4, page 34; being the same land conveyed to Grantor herein by deed of even dated herewith of H. C. Harding, Trustee, which deed is hereby referred to and made part hereto and this conveyance is made subject to all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, reservations and exceptions, together with all of the rights, privileges and benefits set forth and contained in said deed.
Grantee assumes and agrees to pay all taxes and water charges against said property for the year ending December 1st, 1929.
The considerations for the conveyance are as follows.
1.        The payment by the Grantee to the Grantor of the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred and no/100 ($2700.00) Dollars cash, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed; and
2.       The execution and delivery by the Grantee to the Grantor of six certain vendor’s lien purchases money notes, of even date herewith numbered from one to six inclusive, note No. 1 payable to the order of Cuates Development Company at San Benito, Texas, and notes nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 payable to the order of Irrigated Farms Corporation at Chicago, Illinois, said notes being numbered, for the amounts and with the maturities as set out below:
Note No. 1 amount of $50.00 due April 5, 1930
Note No. 2 amount of $310.00 due April 5, 1930
Note no. 3 amount of $360.00 due April 5, 1931
Note no. 4 amount of  $360.00 due April 5, 1932
Note No. 5 amount of $360.00 due April 5, 1933
Note No. 6 amount of $360.00 due April 5,  1934
Said notes bear interest from date to maturity at the rate of six percent per annum….

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said Francisco Vaillant, his heirs and assigns forever; and the Grantor does hereby bind itself, its successors and assignee to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND, all and singular the said property and premises unto the said Grandee, his heirs and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof, by, through or under it.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Cuates Development company, has ---these presents to be signed by its President, R. G. Treon ---duly authorized and its common seal to be hereunto affixed on this the 5th day of April, A.D. 1929.

STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared, R. G. Treon, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated, as the act and deed of the Cuates Development Company.

GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the 5th day of April, A.D. 1929. Signed by the NOTARY PUBLIC, CAMERON COUNTY, TEXAS. [Unable to read the signature.]



KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:  That Irrigated Farms Corporation, of the County of Cook, State of Illinois, for and in consideration of Fourteen Hundred Forty and no/100 ($1,440) Dollars to it in had paid F. B. Procter, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has this day sold, conveyed and assigned, and by these presents do sell, convey and assign unto the said F. B Procter, four (4), certain vendor’s lien notes executed by Francisco Vaillant, in favor of the irrigated Farms Corporation, in the sum of Fourteen Hundred Forty and no/100 Dollars, dated April 5th, 1929, and bearing interest from April 12th, 1931 at the rate of six per centum per annum, together with an attorney’s fee of ten per cent, and due on the Fifth day of April 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934, respectively.
Said notes having been executed in part payment for the following described lot or parcel of land situated in the County of Cameron, State of Texas, to-wit:  Land situated in Cameron County, Texas, described as being the north ten (10) acres of the south twenty (20) acres of Lot two (2) Block six (6), of the Bowie Subdivision of Lots A, B, C, D and E of the Espiritu Santo Irrigated Land Co.’s  Subdivision our of Share no. one  of the Espiritu Santo Grant.  And it also hereby bargains, sells and conveys unto the said F. B. Procter all of the right, title and interest owned or held by the Irrigated Farms Corporation in said land by virtue of said notes herein conveyed and assigned.
Said land and notes being fully set out and described in a deed duly executed by the Cuates Development Company to the said Francisco Vaillant, and recorded in Volume- page- Records of Deeds for Cameron County, Texas, which is referred to and made a prat hereof for further description…. Witness the hand of its president this 30th day of December A.D. 1931. Irrigated Farms Corporation, By H. C. Harding, President
THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK. BEFORE ME, J. K. M. Weilby, a Notary Public, in and for Cook County, Illinois, on this day personally appeared H. C. Harding, president of the Irrigated Farms Corporation, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument…GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this 30 day of December 1931…. Filed for record at 8:10 o’clock A.M. May 26th 1932 and duly recorded at 9:25 o’clock A.M. May 31st, H. D. Seago, County Clerk, Cameron County, Texas... By I. Zarate, Dy.
[viii] Ancestry.com, database created from microfilm copies of the newspaper, assessed 5 March 2014.
[ix] Ancestry.com, 1940 United States Census, Cameron [County], Texas, Page 6B, Enumeration District 31-39. Assessed 6 February 2013
[x] United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, index and images, FamilySearch citing NARA microfilm publications M1939, M1936, and M1937; FHL microfilm 4161422, assessed 6 February 2013.
[xi] This is June VENEZIANO Vaillant Poeltl (her husband was Michael J. Poeltl, Jr. 1909-1940) Larrabee 1909-1973.
[xii] Washington State Department of Health-Bureau of Vital Statistics, State File No. 5337 obtained 29 November 2001.
[xiii] Pauline VENEZIANO Vaillant O’Rourke 1911-1974.

27 October 2014

Vincenzo Veneziano Family

The family of Vincenzo “James” Veneziano may hold the DNA key to my identifying my paternal grandfather. Vincenzo was the Informant on the Death Certificate for Carlo A. Veneziano (21 September 1930) and provided information that leads me to think that Vincenzo and Carlo were related. 

Vincenzo Veneziano is listed in the 1930 Federal Census, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Ward 25 on 2 May 1930.  He is living at 823 Leavitt Street.  He has taken the name James and is the head of household.  He owns his home valued at $6500 with a radio.  He was married at age 27 and is currently 35 years old.  He was born in Italy as were both his parents.  He is working as a laborer at a candy manufacturer.  He is a naturalized citizen who arrived in 1913. Angeline is listed as wife, female, white, 27 years old first married at age 18.  She immigrated in 1920 and works as a seamstress at a tailor shop.  Joseph is a son born in Illinois as are his two siblings.  He is 8 years old.  Frances is a daughter who is 6 years old and Carlo, a son, is 4 years old.

The new Liberty Ellis Island website (http://www.libertyellisfoundation.org/passenger-details/czoxMjoiMTAwNzc3MTAwMjYzIjs=/czo5OiJwYXNzZW5nZXIiOw==) records a Vincenzo Veneziano, 18 years old and single. arriving on the ship Verona from Palermo on 22 October 1913.  His residence had been Calascibetta, Sicily, Italy and he is on his way to see his brother Agostino who lives in St. Louis at 901 Franklin.  There were 14 people including Vincenzo who arrived on that day and ship!  Exploring the information contained in the ship manifest leads to the BIG BINGO.  My paternal grandfather Agostino was living at that address with his wife Mary and their three children, June, Pauline and Benjamin (my father)!! [So the Foundation is now $58.69 better off and I will have copies of the original ship manifest!]

He apparently registered for the WW I draft:
Vincenzo Veneziano registers for the World War I draft on the 5th of June 1917.  He is living at 1044 W. Taylor and his birth date is Nov 14th 1892.  He is an alien.  He was born in Calasibetta, Calanisetta, Italy.  He is a citizen of Italy.  He works as a laborer at the Symore Peck Co. in Chicago.  His father is dependent on him for support.  He is single and white and has had no military experience.  He claims exemption to support his father.  He leaves his mark for signature.   He is of medium height and build and has brown eyes and Dark brown hair.  He is neither bald nor disabled.

I am still looking for him in the 1920 Federal Census.

Again, Vincenzo Veneziano is listed in the 1930 Federal Census, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Ward 25 on 2 May 1930.  Joseph is a son born in Illinois as are his two siblings.  He is 8 years old.  Frances is a daughter who is 6 years old and Carlo, a son, is 4 years old.

[Is Joseph named for his paternal grandfather and is Frances named for her paternal grandmother? Is Carl named after Carlo A. Veneziano?  When Carlo A. Veneziano dies his residence address is listed at 823 So. Leavitt! ]

Son Joseph (Guiseppe) is born 24 March 1923 at 2162 DeKalb Street to Vincenzo Veneziano and Angelina Giliberto.  He is the first born.

Daughter Frances (Franccesca) was born 20 March 1924 at 2162 DeKalb Street to Vincenzo Veneziano and Angelina Giliberto.  Born alive and now living 2.  

Carlo (Carmelo) was born 20 December 1925 at 2162 DeKalb Street to Vincenzo Veneziano and Angelina Giliberti.  Vincenzo is a 32 year old laborer born in Italy.  She is a 24 year old housewife born in Italy.  Carmelo is number 3 in birth order.

Vincenzo Veneziano is listed in the 1940 Federal Census, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Ward 25 on 11 April 1940.  He is living at 823 Leavitt Street. He has taken the name James and is the head of household giving the information for the family.  He is male, white, 47 years old who is married born in Italy.  James is a naturalized citizen. He is a proprietor of the retail grocery store.  Angeline is listed as wife, female, white, 37 years old, married with 4 years education.   She was born in Italy and is a naturalized citizen.  Joseph, son, male, white, 17 years old is single with 3 years high school, born in Illinois and works as a clerk in a retail grocery store.  Frances, daughter, female, wife, 16 years, single, with two years high school born in Illinois works as a clerk in a retail grocery store. Carl, son, male, white, 14 years old, single with 8 years education and born in Illinois.  They all lived in the same house in 1935.

Vincenzo Veneziano registers for the World War II Draft  listing his residence as 823 S. Leavitt, Chicago, Cook, Ill which is his mailing address. He has a telephone (Canal 5635) and is 47 years old with a birth date of November 14, 1894 in Calasibetta, Carlasbetta, Italy.  The person who will know his address is Angie Veneziano at 823 S. Leavitt.  He has his own business at 823 S. Leavitt in Chicago, Cook, Ill and signs his name. (Signature very similar to that on the Death Certificate for Carlo A. Veneziano.)

James (aka Vincenzo) Veneziano dies in Burbank, Los Angeles, California on 5 June 1955 at 7:15 PM. His date of birth is listed as November 14, 1894 and his place of birth Italy.  He was a proprietor of a retail grocery.  His father Joseph Veneziano was born in Italy as was his mother Maria (Unk surname).  His spouse Anglina Veneziano is the Informant.  He had been in Burbank six weeks.  He died at St. Joseph Hospital, 501 South Buena Vista.  He was buried 6 June 1955 at San Fernando Mission Cemetery.  The funeral director was Glendale Mortuary. His death was coronary heart disease of about ½ year.

Angelina Veneziano dies in Glendale, Los Angeles, California 16 September 1992 and is buried at the San Fernando Mission Cemetery.  Her Social Security Death Index lists her birth as 8 October 1901.  Her obituary in the Daily News of Los Angeles is brief: “Veneziano, Angelina, 91, of Glendale, retired seamstress…” with no family information offered.

So the DNA hunt for the sons Joseph and Carl need to be found.  This is where the story says “to be continued”.

24 October 2014

What Can Be Found in a Death Certificate? Is This My Grandfather?

The Carlo A. Veneziano Standard Certificate of Death[1]  records the place of death as 656 W 35th Street, 11th Ward, in Chicago, Cook County[2]

The Personal and Statistical Particulars in the left column were provided by the Informant Vencizo Veneziano whose address is 823 So. Leavett St.  Carlo is listed as a male, white, married whose wife is Mary with no known birthdate.  Carlo is “about 46” years old [born about 1884] and his occupations were real estate and insurance.  He was born in Calsciabetta, Italy[3] to father Joseph Veneziano born in Calsciabetta, Italy and mother Francisca Meglore born in Calaciabetta, Italy.  Carlo’s residence was 823 S. Leavett St., 25th Ward where he had been living for 25 years.  He had lived in the U.S. for 25 years [immigrated 1905].  This information is a wealth of clues to be explored.

The Medical Certificate of Death lists death at 1 p.m. on Sept 21, 1930 of chronic valvular disease contributed with Heart block of one day duration.  Neither an operation nor autopsy was performed. A clinical diagnosis confirmed the cause of death.  The signature appears to be S Weissel of 3436 S. Halsted St., on Sept 21, 1930.  The place of burial was Oak Ridge Cemetery on Sept 24, 1930 in Hillside, Cook, Ill.  The undertaker was Joseph Marinelli of 2064 Polk St.

The Standard Certificate of Death was filed on 9-22-30 at 7:29 PM.

[1]   State of Illinois, Department of Public Health-Division of Vital Statistics, Registered No. 25557 filed 9-22-30 at 7:29 p.m. (photocopy made May 27, 2005)
[2] It appears from Google Earth (24 October 2014 viewed) that the address is a two story building with two entrances and could be of a 1920-1930 vintage.  It is near the corner with Union and across the street is a modern Morrie O’Malleys Hot Dog building!
[3] Calascibetta (Sicilian: Calascibbetta) is a comune in Sicily, Italy in the Province of Enna.  More can be found at http://www.italyworldclub.com/sicilia/enna/calascibetta.htm

08 October 2014

NIGS Research Italian Ancestors Course Assignment

The National Institute for Genealogical Studies (http://www.genealogicalstudies.com/) offers a course Research:  Italian Ancestors with course material by Melanie D. Holtz, CG.  I am taking the elective course to improve my genealogical skills AND continue the hunt for my paternal grandfather.  The first module assignment is to describe what is known.  I submitted the following:

My father was known as Benjamin Vaillant (23 May 1913[1] – 24 Dec 2002[2]).
His father was Augusto “August” Veneziano (About 1883[3] - ????).  The Italian family surname—Veneziano—was changed in the summer of 1928 in Chicago, Cook, IL.[4]
August Venezian married Francisicana Maria “Mary” Branca in St. Louis, MO on 27 April 1907.[5]
August probably arrived 1 April 1904.[6]  Mary’s arrival has to be determined.  She might have arrived 11 May 1887.[7]  There are at least three other Mary Branca’s who arrive all of which would have projected birth dates of 1873-1874. 
August was probably born in Calascibetta, Calascibetta, Sicily, Italy[8]
Mary was probably born in Buscate, Milano, Italy.[9]
August (and Mary) reside in St. Louis until about 1915.[10]  A daughter, Gloria, was born in Chicago, Cook, IL about 29 September 1915.[11]  August is mentioned on the death certificate 6 February 1917. (The information about Gloria was in another post.)

[1] Birthdate based on Delayed Birth Certificate
[2] Certificate of Death
[3] Based on Marriage Application
[4] Separate paper available documenting the name change.
[5] Marriage application and Marriage License
[6] Agostino Veneziano, Italian South, Last residence Colatiel..tta, Date of Arrival April 11, 1904, Age at Arrival=20y, Gender=M, Marital Status=S, Ship of Travel=Marco Minghetti, Port of Departure=Palermo and Manifest Line Number was 0015
[7] There is a listing for a M. Branca, Age 3 arriving on May 11, 1887 who traveled Steerage from Genoa, Leghorn and Naples on the Ship Elysia With Captain Baxton.
[8] Based on the Ellis Island record in footnote 6.
[9] St. Louis Church marriage record
[10]Veneziano, August lab(orer) is listed with a residence of 2005 Franklin [which would be about 20th and Franklin Streets].  page 1880

U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989
Name:    August Veneziano
Residence Year:   1908
Street address:    2005 Franklin av
Residence Place:  St Louis, Missouri
Occupation:         Laborer
Publication Title: St Louis, Missouri, City Directory, 1908
 He had a residence in 1909 in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.¹ Venezia, August, lab(orer) is listed as residing at 901 Franklin.  Page 2082
He had a residence in 1910 in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.¹ Venezia, August lab(orer) resides at 901 Franklin.  Page 207
He appeared on the census on 16 APR 1910 in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.¹ August appears as the 26 year old head of household.  He was born in Italy as were both his parents.  He is listed as immigrated to the US in 1906 and is still an alien.  He is a laborer who does odd jobs.  He is living at 901B Franklin Avenue.
He resided at City Directory in 1915 in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.¹ Veneziano, August, lab(orer) resides at 1615 N 13th [which could be Mullanphy and 13th] page 2139
Not found in the 1916 directory. If the 1916 directory documents locations from 1915 then it is possible the family had moved to Chicago where on September 29, 1915 daughter Gloria was born (based on her certificate of death).
[11] Certificate of Death

August disappears from the family sometime after 1917.  There are no Chicago City Directories to consult as they were not published!  He is not found in the Chicago 1920 Federal Census.[1] The reference to Mary being a “widow” could have been a polite way to speak.  The informant is not known and my conjecture is that it was the oldest daughter—June—offering the information.[2]

Unsolved Problems:
     1.    The death place and date for August.
     2.    Verify the parents and siblings of August.[3]
     3.    Verify the parents and siblings of Mary.[4]
     4.    Where was Mary before 1907?
     5.    When did Mary arrive in the U.S.?
     6.    Who was Carlo August Veneziano?[5]

[1] Mary Venezina appears as the 38 year head of household who was born in Italy as were both her parents.   She is living at 1251 Oregon Avenue and is employed as a finisher in a tailor house.  She is a widow.  She is able to speak English. She is a naturalized citizen who immigrated to the United States in 1903.

NOTE:  Oregon became Flournoy after 1920.
[2] She appeared on the census on 13 JAN 1920 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States.¹ Josephine appears as the 10 year old daughter of Mary.  She attended school and is able to read and write.  She was born in Missouri.  Both her parents were born in Italy.
[3] A clue from the Church marriage record is August’s father was Giuseppe (Joseph) and his mother Francesca (with a notation which may mean she was dead).
[4] A clue from the Church marriage record is Mary’s father was Giuseppe (Joseph) and her mother Adelaire with no surname given.
[5] Need to do a paper studying this person.

 1.   Who was the informant on Carlo August Veneziano’s Death Certificate?[1]

[1] Vencinzo Veneziano is the person listed as the Informant.