23 December 2014

I Must Be More Patient in 2015

Of course it happens.  An answer to my second letter was post marked by my newly found second cousin the day I mailed him my hand written note.  He must think my light is not on in the attic!

His hand written letter is encouraging.  “Thank you for the information.  Took me a while to get through it.”  A sigh of relief on my part having feared that the three family group sheets could have been overwhelming.  “…it was all very interesting, especially the people in Sicily who I never knew a lot about.  I also didn't know about our St. Louis connection at all.   Very interesting.”  His grandfather Vincenzo’s stated destination on the ship manifest was to visit my potential grandfather in St. Louis in 1913.

“If your ever in------- give me a call and maybe we can have a cup of coffee.  I would bring some pictures.”  [Coffee is great if I can get a swab of his cheeks first!!!]  I found this encouraging as it is a first step to making my second cousin comfortable with the DNA I mentioned in my second letter.

“Hope you have a great holiday season.”  I am going to wait until after Christmas (say 12:01 a.m. on the 26th) to write back.  Besides the holiday letter sent will clearly give him a bigger family.  “Years ago I had friends in Sausalito and Marin County area…..Beautiful country, your very lucky.”

So my holiday season is great with this wonderful stocking stuffer of a letter!

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